Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Basic information
Related pages :
Graveyard, Corpse
Building Information
Horizontal x Vertical :
Rotatable :
Graveyard, Wheat Farm, Burned House

The gravesite is where you'll bury corpses. All you must do to designate an area as a grave place is select it as an option at the graveyard blueprint desk. Digging out a grave will use durability on your shovel. Each grave can take two decorations, one grave fence and one grave marker and each decoration will effect the Graveyard Rating of the graveyard as a whole.

The number of positive modifiers to Graveyard Rating a grave can benefit from is based on the number of Red Skull and White Skull on the corpse buried there. A grave's positive score cannot exceed the number of White Skull, any modifiers added beyond that point will have no effect. Modifiers can be gained through decorations but also from the corpses themselves, attempting to remove a Red Skull when none are available will cause a corpse to gain an intrinsic +1Graveyard Rating. For more information on corpse rating see corpse and for more information on preparing corpses see the morgue location page.

Cost[ | ]

Icon Materials Required Energy Notes
Grave place item Dig with shovel No technologies required.

Decorations[ | ]

Markers[ | ]

Item Quality Provided Technology required Red Tech PointGreen Tech PointBlue Tech Point Production Learn

Wooden marker
+1 Grave Decor
Graveplate Red Tech Point3 Theology (Tech Tree)

Wooden cross
+2 Grave Decor
Simple Gravestone Red Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

+2 Grave Decor
Simple Gravestone Red Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone cross
+3 Grave Decor
Stone Gravestone Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point3 Theology (Tech Tree)

Gravestone II
+3 Grave Decor
Stone Gravestone Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone cross II
+4 Grave Decor
Carved Gravestones Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point3 Theology (Tech Tree)

Gravestone III
+4 Grave Decor
Advanced Gravestones Red Tech Point10Blue Tech Point5 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Stone plinth
+4 Grave Decor
Carved Gravestones Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point3 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone sculpture
+5 Grave Decor
Grave Monuments Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone sculpture II
+5 Grave Decor
Grave Monuments Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone sculpture III
+6 Grave Decor
Stone statues Red Tech Point10Blue Tech Point15 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Stone sculpture IV
+7 Grave Decor
Stone statues Red Tech Point15Blue Tech Point15 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Stone Sculpture V Stone Sculpture V
+10 Grave Decor
Stone Gravestones Red Tech Point15Blue Tech Point15 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)
Stone Sculpture VI Stone Sculpture VI
+12 Grave Decor
Stone Gravestones Red Tech Point17Blue Tech Point15 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)

Marble cross
+5 Grave Decor
Marble Gravestones Red Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Marble cross II
+6 Grave Decor
Carved Marble Gravestones Red Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Marble gravestone III
+6 Grave Decor
Advanced Gravestones II Red Tech Point10Blue Tech Point6 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Marble plinth
+6 Grave Decor
Carved Marble Gravestones Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point10 Theology (Tech Tree)

Marble sculpture
+7 Grave Decor
Crypts Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point10 Theology (Tech Tree)

Marble sculpture II
+7 Grave Decor
Crypts Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point10 Theology (Tech Tree)

Marble sculpture III
+8 Grave Decor
Marble statues Red Tech Point10Blue Tech Point15 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Marble sculpture IV
+9 Grave Decor
Marble statues Red Tech Point15Blue Tech Point15 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Marble sculpture V Marble Sculpture V
+13 Grave Decor
Marble Gravestones Red Tech Point15Blue Tech Point15 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)
Marble sculpture VI Marble Sculpture VI
+15 Grave Decor
Marble Gravestones Red Tech Point17Blue Tech Point15 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)

Fences[ | ]

Item Quality Provided Technology required Producing gives Red Tech PointGreen Tech PointBlue Tech Point Learn

Wooden grave fence
+1 Grave Decor
Simple Gravestone Red Tech Point2 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone grave fence
+2 Grave Decor
Stone Gravestone Red Tech Point2Blue Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone grave fence II
+3 Grave Decor
Carved Gravestones Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Stone grave fence III
+3 Grave Decor
Advanced Gravestones Red Tech Point5 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Stone grave fence IV
+4 Grave Decor
Advanced Gravestones Red Tech Point5 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Stone grave fence V
+5 Grave Decor
Advanced Gravestones II Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point2 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Stone Grave Fence VI Stone Grave Fence VI
+6 Grave Decor
Stone grave fence Red Tech Point5 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)
Stone Grave Fence VII Stone Grave Fence VII
+7 Grave Decor
Stone grave fence Red Tech Point10Blue Tech Point5 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)
Stone Grave Fence VIII Stone Grave Fence VIII
+8 Grave Decor
Stone grave fence Red Tech Point15Blue Tech Point10 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)

Marble grave fence
+4 Grave Decor
Marble Gravestones Red Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Marble grave fence II
+5 Grave Decor
Carved Marble Gravestones Red Tech Point5 Theology (Tech Tree)

Marble grave fence III
+5 Grave Decor
Advanced Gravestones II Red Tech Point5 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Marble grave fence IV
+6 Grave Decor
Marble Fence Red Tech Point5 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Marble grave fence V
+7 Grave Decor
Marble Fence Red Tech Point5Blue Tech Point2 Undertaker from Refugee camp

(Game of Crone DLC)

Marble grave fence VI Marble Grave Fence VI
+9 Grave Decor
Marble grave fence Red Tech Point7 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)
Marble grave fence VII Marble Grave Fence VII
+10 Grave Decor
Marble grave fence Red Tech Point10Blue Tech Point5 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)
Marble grave fence VIII Marble Grave Fence VIII
+11 Grave Decor
Marble grave fence Red Tech Point20Blue Tech Point15 Spiritualism (Tech Tree)
