Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Blockage outside
Basic information
Alchemy lab, Cellar, Barn cellar, Trade Office, Dungeon, Morgue, and some roads and paths

The blockage appears as a collapsed section in the tunnels connecting the alchemy lab, cellar, barn cellar, trade office, dungeon and morgue. You will need to clear at least one blockage to get access to Snake, the cultist.

There are also blockages between the apiary and the upper forest area of the map, as well as between the swamp and the quarry. The path from the workyard to the vineyard is blocked by a large fallen tree.

The old stone bridge and the swamp bridge need to be repaired as well.

Cost[ | ]

Icon Materials Required Energy Notes
Blockage item 10×
Wood wedge

Wooden plank

Simple iron parts

Operations[ | ]

Operation Materials Required Energy Notes

Clear the path
Wood wedge

Wooden beam

Simple iron parts

-energy50 the three basements of the church
Operation Materials Required Energy Notes

Clear the path
Wood wedge


Complex iron parts

-energy40 Way to the Vineyard
Operation Materials Required Energy Notes

Repair Bridge


Wooden plank


-energy20 Cemetery to Swamp
Operation Materials Required Energy Notes

Build the Bridge


Wooden plank


-energy10 passage for Clotho

Screenshots[ | ]

Collapsed cliffsite blocking a road

This is how it looks when a collapsed cliff side is blocking a road.

Collapsed wall blocking a tunnel

This is how it looks when a collapsed wall is blocking a tunnel in the cellar.

Fallen tree blocking the path

This is how it looks when a fallen tree blocks the path from the swamp north of your home to the hill with the vineyard.
